Special Plan Election
Election of 20-Year Retirement Program – Tier 2 or Tier 3 NYC Correction Members Below the Rank of Captain (CO-20 Plan)
Form #165
For Tier 2 or Tier 3 Correction members below the rank of Captain who wish to participate in the 20-Year Retirement Program (CO-20).
Election of Coverage Under the Transit Non-Contributory 20-Year Retirement Plan
Form #219
For Tier 1 and Tier 2 members who wish to participate in the Transit 20-Year Non-Contributory Retirement Program with payability at, or after, age 50. If you entered into a Transit Operating Position, on or after July 1, 1970, you must file this application within 30 days of appointment.
Election of the Optional 25-Year Retirement Program for Tier 2 Investigator Members (IDA-25)
Form #193
For Investigator Members who wish to participate in the 25-Year Retirement Program (IDA-25).
Election of the Optional 20-Year Retirement Program for Tier 2 Investigator Members (IDA-20)
Form #192
For Investigator Members who wish to participate in the 20-Year Retirement Program (IDA-20).
25-Year Plan Election Form – (911) Police Communications Titles — Tiers 2 and 4
Form #189
For Tier 2 and Tier 4 members employed in Police Communications titles who wish to elect the 25-Year Retirement Plan for 911 Communications Operators.
Members in a Police Communications title are defined as: employed by the New York City Police Department as a Police Communications Technician, Supervising Police Communications Technician, or Principal Police Communications Technician.
25-Year Plan Election Form – Special Officer Titles – Tiers 1, 2 and 4
Form #185
For Tier 1, 2 and 4 members employed in Special Officer titles who wish to elect the 25-Year Retirement Plan for Special Officers.
Members in a Special Officer title are defined as: employed by the City of New York as a Special Officer, Parking Control Specialist, School Safety Agent, Campus Peace Officer, Taxi & Limousine Inspector, Urban Park Ranger, or Associate Urban Park Ranger.
25-Year/Age 50 Plan Election Form – Automotive Service Titles – Tiers 2 and 4
Form #183
For Tier 2 and Tier 4 members employed in Automotive Service titles who wish to elect the 25-Year/Age 50 Retirement Plan for Tier 2 or Tier 4 Automotive Service titles.
Election of 20-Year Sanitation Retirement Program – Tiers 2 and 4
Form #175
For Tier 2 and Tier 4 Sanitation members who wish to participate in the 20-Year Sanitation Retirement Program. In order to participate in this retirement plan, you must be in active service at the time of filing.
Election of Optional EMT 25-Year Retirement Program – Tier 1, 2 and 4
Form #170
For Tier 1 and Tier 4 members who wish to participate in the 25-Year Retirement Program for EMT members, and for Tier 2 members who wish to participate in the Optional 25-Year Improved Retirement Program. In order to participate in this program, you must be an EMT member at the time of filing this application.
Election of Optional Dispatcher 25-Year Retirement Program – Tiers 1, 2 and 4
Form #169
For Tier 1 or Tier 4 members who wish to participate in the Optional 25-Year Retirement Program for Dispatcher Members, and for Tier 2 members who wish to participate in the 25-Year Improved Benefit Program. In order to participate in this program, you must be a Dispatcher Member at the time of filing this application.
Election of 20-Year Retirement Program – Tier 2 or Tier 3 NYC Correction Members of the Rank of Captain or Above (CC-20 Plan)
Form #166
For Tier 2 or Tier 3 Correction members of the rank of Captain or above who wish to participate in the Correction Captains 20-Year Retirement Plan (CC-20). In order to participate in this plan, you must be a Correction member of the rank of Captain or above in active service at the time of filing.
Election of Career Pension Plan (CPP) or ISF – Tier 1 and 2
Form #162
For Tier 1 or Tier 2 members in active City service who are enrolled in the Career Pension Plan (CPP) or the 55-Year Increase-Service-Fraction Plan (ISF) and wish to change from one plan to another.
Election of 20-Year Retirement Program – Tier 3 NYC Correction Members of the Rank of Captain or Above
Form #161
For Tier 3 Correction members of the rank of Captain or Above who were promoted to such position on or after October 19, 2004 and wish to participate in the Correction Captains 20-Year Retirement Program.
25-Year Plan Election Form – Deputy Sheriffs – Tiers 2 and 4
Form #184
For Tier 2 and Tier 4 Deputy Sheriff members who wish to elect the 25-Year Retirement Plan.
A Deputy Sheriff member is defined as a member of NYCERS employed by the City of New York as: a deputy city sheriff level one, deputy city sheriff level two, supervising deputy sheriff, or administrative sheriff.