Special Plan Election

Form 189

25-Year Plan Election Form – (911) Police Communications Titles — Tiers 2 and 4
Form #189

For Tier 2 and Tier 4 members employed in Police Communications titles who wish to elect the 25-Year Retirement Plan for 911 Communications Operators.

Members in a Police Communications title are defined as: employed by the New York City Police Department as a Police Communications Technician, Supervising Police Communications Technician, or Principal Police Communications Technician.

Form 185

25-Year Plan Election Form – Special Officer Titles – Tiers 1, 2 and 4
Form #185

For Tier 1, 2 and 4 members employed in Special Officer titles who wish to elect the 25-Year Retirement Plan for Special Officers.   

Members in a Special Officer title are defined as: employed by the City of New York as a Special Officer, Parking Control Specialist, School Safety Agent, Campus Peace Officer, Taxi & Limousine Inspector, Urban Park Ranger, or Associate Urban Park Ranger.