Refund of Contributions
If you are a NYCERS member who resigned or separated from City Service and have less than 10 years of Credited Service, you can terminate your NYCERS membership and forfeit your rights to all current and future benefits by voluntarily applying for a refund of your accumulated salary deductions.
To apply for a refund of your accumulated salary deductions:
- Wait until you are off the payroll of your employing agency for 30 or more days. If records show you are on leave of absence at the time you file, you will not be eligible for refund.
Log in to your MyNYCERS
account at
New to MyNYCERS? Register - Click Apply for: Refund in the navigation menu then follow the instructions to submit your refund request and, if you have more than five years of Credited service, waive your right to a Vested Retirement Benefit.
Alternatively, you can print and complete an Application for Refund of Member’s Accumulated Salary Deductions Form #331 and Waiver of Right to a Vested Retirement Benefit Form #341, available below.
Please note: If you have less than five years of service and do not file for a refund within five years of separating from City service, your membership will be terminated automatically but a refund will not be issued until you submit a refund application.
Other refund options may be available if you remain in City service but are no longer in a Special Plan requiring Additional Member Contributions, or if you are a Tier 1 or 2 member who has Excess Contributions. These transactions are not currently available via MyNYCERS so please print and complete the appropriate application below and submit it to NYCERS by mail or drop it off at NYCERS’ Walk-in Center.
To learn more about the types of refunds that may be available to you, please refer to your Tier’s Plan Description.
Waiver of Right to a Vested Retirement Benefit
Form #341
For members who have at least five but less than ten years of Credited Service and wish to terminate their membership by withdrawing their accumulated member contributions. Note: By filing this form and withdrawing your contributions, you will waive your right to a Vested Retirement Benefit.
Application for Refund of Member’s Accumulated Salary Deductions
Form #331
For members who wish to receive a refund of their accumulated salary deductions. Note that by withdrawing your accumulated salary deductions, your membership and all associated rights, benefits, and privileges will end.
Application for Refund of Excess Contributions – Tier 1 and Tier 2
Form #332
For Tier 1 and Tier 2 members who wish to receive a refund of their excess contributions.
Application for Refund of Additional Member Contributions
Form #333
Members who are no longer eligible to participate in a special retirement plan may be eligible to receive a refund of their additional member contributions. Note that by withdrawing your additional member contributions, your membership and all associated rights, benefits, and privileges will end.
Application for Refund of Additional Member Contributions For Transit 25-Year/Age 55 Members
Form #336
This application is for: (1) current and former members of the Tier 4 Transit 25-Year/Age 55 retirement plan (T25/55) and (2) former participants of a Chapter 96 Plan (55/25 or 57/5) who are or were employed in the title of Supervisor (Stations) in Assignment Level II in the NYC Transit Authority Stations Department, who wish to receive a refund of accumulated Additional Member Contributions (AMCs).
Special Tax Notice Regarding Plan Payments
Fact Sheet #717
Tax consequences and rollover options when receiving a lump-sum payment from NYCERS.