Forms & Publications
Plan Descriptions
Each Summary Plan Description (SPD) booklet is a complete guide to your retirement plan and its provisions and benefits. The information is derived from applicable laws and rules that govern membership in each plan. Since these laws and rules can change, information may need to be amended from time to time. Where changes occur, an SPD Update accompanies the booklet, describing the relevant changes.
Forms, Brochures and Fact Sheets
This section contains NYCERS’ informational Brochures and Fact Sheets to help you learn about your NYCERS pension, as well as all Forms used to apply for membership, take out a loan, sign up for direct deposit and more.
Service Retirement Kits
Members with a registered MyNYCERS account can log in to apply for Service Retirement online instead of submitting a paper application.
For paper applications, you may download all the necessary Service Retirement forms at once by downloading a retirement kit below. When you are ready to retire, NYCERS strongly encourages you to make an appointment for a telephone consultation with a NYCERS Retirement Counselor.
Disability Retirement Kits
Members with a registered MyNYCERS account can log in to apply for Disability Retirement online instead of submitting a paper application.
If you wish to file a paper application for Disability Retirement, locate your Tier below and download the corresponding Disability Kit. Each Kit contains detailed instructions together with all the necessary forms and documents needed to file for Disability. Individual forms can be downloaded by clicking the “Show Contents” tab.
NYCERS’ Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
NYCERS’ Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) contains fiscal year financial reports as well as information regarding each retirement plan and plan provisions.
Tier 1
Your Tier is generally determined by your title and the date you joined NYCERS.
Generally, if you joined NYCERS prior to July 1, 1973, you are a Tier 1 member.
Participation in Tier 1 and its retirement plans is closed to new members. Learn about Membership/Tier Reinstatement.
For complete details about Tier 1 and its Retirement Plans, please refer to the Summary Plan Description linked below.
Tier 2
Your Tier is generally determined by your title and the date you joined NYCERS.
Generally, if you became a NYCERS member on or after July 1, 1973, and prior to July 27, 1976, you are a Tier 2 member.
Participation in Tier 2 and its retirement plans is closed to new members. Learn about Membership/Tier Reinstatement.
For complete details about Tier 2 and its Retirement Plans, please refer to the Summary Plan Description, Plan Brochures and Fact Sheets linked below.
Tier 6
Your Tier is generally determined by your title and the date you joined NYCERS.
If you joined NYCERS on or after April 1, 2012, you are a Tier 6 member. This applies to all titles, except the following:
- Uniformed Correction Force
- District Attorney Investigator
- Uniformed Sanitation Force
Employees in the above titles should visit the Tier 3 information page.