Tier 2
Tier 2
Your Tier is generally determined by your title and the date you joined NYCERS.
Generally, if you became a NYCERS member on or after July 1, 1973, and prior to July 27, 1976, you are a Tier 2 member.
Participation in Tier 2 and its retirement plans is closed to new members. Learn about Membership/Tier Reinstatement.
For complete details about Tier 2 and its Retirement Plans, please refer to the Summary Plan Description, Plan Brochures and Fact Sheets linked below.
Tier 2 – Plan C, Plan D, and Plan CPP-I – Summary Plan Description (SPD)
This booklet is called a Tier 2 Summary Plan Description or SPD for short. It is published by the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), and is intended to summarize all of the provisions relating to retirement plans, programs and other benefits offered to New York City employees who became members on or after July 1, 1973 and prior to July 27, 1976, or were otherwise made eligible for Tier 2 benefits. Laws affecting your pension tier or plan can be enacted in any given year, which may result in possible inaccuracies within this SPD.
Tier 2 Age and Service Requirements for Retirement Eligibility
This Fact Sheet provides Age and Service requirements for various Tier 2 retirement plans at a glance.
DA Investigators 25-Year Plan for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #943
This brochure describes the benefits of the D.A. Investigators 25-Year Plan which is available ONLY to members employed in District Attorney’s Offices and joined NYCERS in an Investigator title between July 1, 1973 and March 31, 2012.
DA Investigators 20-Year Plan for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #942
This brochure describes the benefits of the D.A. Investigators 20 Year Plan. It is available ONLY to members employed as Investigators by District Attorney’s offices; current District Attorney investigators (those investigators that did not elect to participate in the existing 25- Year DA Investigator Plan); any Participant in the 25IDA Plan and any NYCERS member hired as a District Attorney investigator after November 16, 2004 but prior to April 1, 2012.
911 Operators 25-Year Plan for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #940
The 911 Communications Operators/25 Year Plan is available ONLY to members employed by the New York City Police Department as police communications technicians, supervising police communications technicians, or principal police communications technicians. Collectively these titles define a Police Communications Member.
Special Officer 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #916
This brochure describes the benefits of the Special Officer 25-Year Retirement Plan which is available ONLY to members employed as Special Officers by a mayoral agency of the City of New York, the Health & Hospitals Corporation (HHC), or the NYC Housing Authority; Parking Control Specialists employed by NYC DOT; School Safety Agents (any rank) employed by the NYPD or Board of Education; Campus Peace Officers (any rank) employed by the City University of New York; Taxi & Limousine Inspector employed by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission; Urban Park Rangers and Associate Urban Pa
Automotive Service Worker 25-Year and Age 50 Retirement Plan (50/25) for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #914
The Automotive Service Worker 25-Year and Age 50 Retirement Program (AUT-I) is available only to members employed by the City of New York as auto body workers, auto electricians, auto machinists, auto mechanics, auto mechanics (diesel), automotive service workers, senior automotive service workers, machinists, machinist helpers, marine maintenance mechanics, oil burner specialists, stationary engineers, senior stationary engineers, or supervisor of mechanics (mechanical equipment).