Trusted Partner of NYC Employees for More Than 100 Years
The New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) was founded by the New York State Legislature in 1920 with 13,331 members. Today, NYCERS has grown into the largest municipal public employee retirement system in the United States with more than 350,000 active members and retirees including civilian employees such as clerical workers, accountants and social workers, and uniformed employees such as New York City Correction Officers and Sanitation Workers.
Defined Benefit Plan
NYCERS is a defined benefit retirement plan. Defined benefit
retirement plans for public sector employees offer benefits which
are defined in law. Generally, retirement allowances payable from
such plans are based on a member’s years of service, age and
compensation base. Other types of benefits such as loans,
disability and death benefits are also offered and specified in
law. All benefits payable are funded by employee and employer
contributions and from earnings on the invested assets of the
Multiple-Employer System
NYCERS is a cost-sharing, multiple employer public employee
retirement system. In addition to the City of New York (various
agencies, boards and commissions), members are employed by public
benefit corporations such as the NYC Transit Authority and the
NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation.
Customer Services
NYCERS performs many functions for active members and retirees
alike. Among other things, each year NYCERS issues approximately
50,000 loans and processes thousands of refunds and buy-back
applications. For retirees, NYCERS verifies retirement
allowances, calculates Cost-of-Living-Adjustments, and much more.
Client-Centered Approach
NYCERS is dedicated to a client-centered approach to quality
service delivery. Whether it’s upgrading Information Technology
infrastructure, facilitating access to information, developing
customer service upgrades or instituting advanced security
measures, NYCERS is committed to sustaining quality service
delivery for all our members, retirees and beneficiaries.
NYCERS’ Mission Statement
The prime function of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System is to administer the statutory pension benefits of its members, retirees, and beneficiaries.
Our talented, professional, and dedicated employees are committed to providing a superior service by:
- Making correct benefit payments in a timely manner.
- Leveraging modern technology to set new standards of excellence in the services we provide.
- Maximizing investment returns on the funds of the system with an appropriate level of risk.
Board Meeting Calendar
Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 9:30 am
335 Adams Street, 22nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Join the webcast.
NYCERS videoconferencing procedures are located here.
View Meeting Agenda. The board meeting agenda is posted within 24 hours of the scheduled meeting.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of NYCERS. Its responsibilities include investing the assets of the retirement system, establishing the administrative budget of the system and promulgating rules and regulations necessary to carry out provisions of law.
The NYCERS Board of Trustees, as prescribed by law, consists of eleven members: the Mayor’s Representative, the City Comptroller, the Public Advocate, the heads of the three unions with the largest number of participating employees, and the five Borough Presidents.
Because legislative changes affect NYCERS members, we actively monitor state and city activities and keep you posted as to how they may, or may not, affect you. This section is intended to give you the most up-to-date laws and regulations pertaining to your retirement benefit. To find out if your plan has been affected by changes, be sure to visit this section often.
New York City Employees’ Retirement System Accessibility Policies Prohibiting Discrimination Against People with Disabilities in Access to Services
It is NYCERS’ policy to comply with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act, the New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law. NYCERS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of its benefits and services and strives to be welcoming to and inclusive of people with disabilities.
Public and Non-Public Areas of NYCERS
Pursuant to Section 4-210 of the New York City Administrative Code, as added by Local Law 246 of 2017 (the “Access to City Property Law,” or “Law”), certain areas of NYCERS’ offices are deemed public and non-public.
NYCERS Employment Opportunities
The City of New York is an inclusive equal opportunity employer committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce and providing a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based upon any legally protected status or protected characteristic, including but not limited to an individual’s sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, gender identity, or pregnancy.
NYCERS is the largest retirement system in New York City. There is a lot to be done and we are always looking for talented and enthusiastic people to assist in providing world-class service to our customers. We offer competitive salaries, benefit packages, and advancement opportunities.