1099-R Tax Forms for 2024
Each January, 1099-R tax forms are sent to members, retirees and beneficiaries who received a taxable distribution from NYCERS in the prior year.
Taxable distributions may include:
- Loans
- Monthly pension payments
- Refunds
- Variable Supplements Fund (VSF) payments
- Lump-sum death benefits
If you are eligible to receive a 1099-R for tax year 2024, it was mailed to you.
You can also view, print or download your 1099-R online: log in to your MyNYCERS account, select View My: Documents from the navigation menu, select Taxes & Statements, then click the Generate 1099-R button.
To learn more, visit nycers.org/1099, or watch this two-minute video -Understanding Tax Form 1099-R.