Tier 6


Tier 6

Your Tier is generally determined by your title and the date you joined NYCERS.  

If you joined NYCERS on or after April 1, 2012, you are a Tier 6 member. This applies to all titles, except the following:  

  • Uniformed Correction Force
  • District Attorney Investigator 
  • Uniformed Sanitation Force 

Employees in the above titles should visit the Tier 3 information page

Participation in earlier tiers and their retirement plans is otherwise closed to new members. Learn about Membership/Tier Reinstatement.

For complete details about Tier 6 and its Retirement Plans, please refer to the Summary Plan Description, Plan Brochures, and Fact Sheets linked below. 

Brochure 991

Automotive Member 25-Year/Age 50 Retirement Plan for Tier 6 Members
Brochure #991

This brochure describes the obligations and benefits of the Automotive Member 25-Year and Age 50 Retirement Plan for Tier 6 members (6AU-25). The 6AU-25 Plan allows participants to retire with 25 years of Credited Service at age 50 or older and is available ONLY to members employed in a series of titles performing automotive service work (Automotive Member Titles [AMTs]).

Brochure 988

Dispatcher 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 6 Members
Brochure #988

This brochure describes the obligations and benefits of the Dispatcher 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 6 members (6DI-25). This plan allows participants to retire with 25 years of Allowable Service regardless of age and is available only to Dispatcher Members. A Dispatcher Member is a NYCERS member employed by the City of New York in the titles of Fire Alarm Dispatcher, Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher Levels 1 and 2, Director of Dispatch Operations, and Deputy Director of Dispatch Operations.

Brochure 987

Emergency Medical Technician 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 6 Members
Brochure #987

This brochure describes the obligations and benefits of the Emergency Medical Technician 25-Year Plan for Tier 6 members (6EM-25). This plan allows participants to retire after rendering at least 25 years of Allowable Service, regardless of age. The 6EM-25 Plan is available ONLY to EMT Members. An EMT Member is a NYCERS member employed by the City of New York or the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation in a title whose duties are those of an EMT, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), or a supervisor of those employees.


Fire Protection Inspector 25-Year Retirement Plan For Tier 6 Members (6FP-25)
Brochure #951

This brochure describes the obligations and benefits of the Fire Protection Inspector 25-Year Plan for Tier 6 members (6FP-25 Plan). This plan allows participants to retire after rendering at least 25 years of Allowable Service, regardless of age. The 6FP-25 Plan is available ONLY to Fire Protection Inspector (FPI) Members. An FPI Member is a NYCERS member employed by the City of New York or the New York City Fire Department in a title whose duties are those of an FPI, Associate FPI, or a supervisor of those employees.

Brochure 992

Police Communications Technician 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 6 Members
Brochure #992

This brochure describes the obligations and benefits of the Police Communications Technician 25-Year Retirement Plan for Tier 6 members (6PC-25). This plan allows participants to retire with 25 years of Credited Service (all service) regardless of age. The 6PC-25 Plan is available ONLY to Police Communications Members. A Police Communications member is a NYCERS member employed by the New York City Police Department as a Police Communications Technician, Supervising Police Communications Technician, or Principal Police Communications Technician.