Returning to Work
Returning to Work
Retirees who decide to return to work after their retirement date will need to notify NYCERS. Please read the brochures below for more information.
Election to Transfer Membership for Retirees of NYCERS
Form #324
For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Retirees who wish to transfer their membership to the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) or the New York City Teachers Retirement System (NYCTRS).
Election by a Retiree Reentering City Service to Rejoin NYCERS
Form #352
This form is for retirees who are reentering City service and want to rejoin NYCERS. You will not be held to Earning Limitations set by §212 of the RSSL, but your current pension payments will be stopped.
Certificate of Employment Under Section 212 of the Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL)
Form #353
File this form if you are a retiree who reenters public employment in the City or State of New York, and do not want to rejoin NYCERS. Pension payments will continue but your earnings may be limited.
Earnings Limitations for Service Retirees and Disability Retirees
Brochure #958
This brochure describes the earnings limitations that service and disability retirees may be subject to if they decide to return to public service within New York City or New York State.
Returning to Public Service after Retirement
Brochure #984
This brochure provides information for NYCERS service retirees who return to public service within New York City or New York State.