Social Security Resources
Protecting Your Social Security Number
Social Security Scams
An infographic alerting the public about Social Security telephone and email scams.
Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number
Learn how you can prevent identity theft and what you can do if you’re a victim.
Online Services
How To Create An Online Account
Get step-by-step instructions for creating a “my Social Security” account.
See What You Can Do Online
Get the web address for the online services available from Social Security.
Benefit Calculators – Estimate Your Benefit
Learn about the online Benefit Calculators, how they work and who can use them.
How To Apply Online For Retirement, Spouses Or Medicare Benefits
Get easy-to-follow instructions for using Social Security’s online benefit application.
Retirement Benefits
Learn about Social Security retirement benefits: how you earn coverage; how to apply; how benefits are figured; and how to decide when to retire.
Your Retirement Benefit: How It Is Figured
Learn about the formula used to calculate Social Security retirement benefits and take advantage of a worksheet to help you estimate your retirement benefits.
When To Start Receiving Retirement Benefits
Factors that can help you make an informed decision about the best time to retire.
Your Retirement Checklist
When to start receiving retirement benefits is a personal decision based on your situation. Learn about factors to consider as you think about when to start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits.
Learn about Medicare hospital and medical insurance, who is covered, and how to apply.
Apply Online for Medicare — Even if You Are Not Ready to Retire
Learn how fast and easy it is to apply for Medicare online.
General Information
Update 2025
This fact sheet provides new information for each current year for many items, such as Social Security taxes and benefits and other factors of eligibility.
Understanding the Benefits
Get an overview of all Social Security programs and Medicare.
How You Earn Credits
Find out what work credits are, how they’re earned, and just how many you’ll need to get benefits.